Pezziball / Exercise ballOn this page you will find up-to-date, high-quality and cheap offers for exercise balls.

Why is the term „Pezziball“ or “stability ball” often used in this context with the exercise ball?

Often you will find the term Pezziball in connection with the exercise and sitting ball. „PEZZI“ is a word mark of the Italian company Ledragomma. The exercise ball, which is frequently used, was developed from the brand. Pezziball, sitting ball and exercise ball mean the same.

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What is used for the exercise ball, also referred to as „Pezziball“ or „fitness ball“?

Many people complain about back problems and are restricted in their mobility. Frequent cause of the back problems is the lack of movement due to a profession with predominantly sitting activity. This leads to stresses which are tried to be compensated with a preservation. This leads to pain. If you have exactly this suffering, the exercise ball can actually relieve the pain or completely cure it.

On the other hand, the exercise ball can also be used for rehabilitation. In this case, you should talk to your doctor beforehand!

Exercise ball with fitness belts

A ball which intensifies the workout or the exercises, is an exercise ball with side-mounted rubber bands. This means that you not only train the lower body and the back, but also the upper body, especially the arms. Since the tapes are generally removable, the ball can also be used as an ordinary sitting and / or exercise ball.

Tips on buying
Exercise balls, as mentioned above, are also used as a seat and are unstable due to their nature. To counteract the instability, there are supports, bowls and ball chairs which prevent the ball from rolling or slipping away. The exercise ball of Bosu, listed on this page at the bottom, is filled with a granulate, which increases the stability. If you do not want to use stabilizers, we recommend that you do not inflate the ball too tightly in order to increase the support surface on the floor and improve the stability. If you liked to buy a Pezziball, please be sure to follow our instructions.
Here are some product recommendations.